воскресенье, 10 февраля 2013 г.

книги о холокосте

URL: http://lib.colostate.edu/about/news/checkout/2009/holocaustawareness.html • Modified: March 29, 2011 • Contact:

- Pastor Martin Niemolier, Survivor of Dachau

By that time there was no one left to speak."

I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists,

I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Communist.

"In Germany, they first came for the Communists,

Tell ye your children: a book about the Holocaust in Europe 1933-1945 by Stéphane Bruchfeld

Between witness and testimony: the Holocaust and the limits of representation by Michael F. Bernard-Donals

The Holocaust: critical historical approaches by Donald Bloxham

The Holocaust and the press: Nazi war crimes trials in Germany and Israel by Akiba A. Cohen

The triumphant spirit: portraits and stories of Holocaust survivors by Nick Del Calzo

'Final solution’: Nazi population policy and the murder of the European Jews by Götz Aly

is a time to remember the victims of the genocide perpetrated by the Nazi's during World War II- those that survived, and the many more who did not. It is also a day to recall what human beings are capable of doing to one another. We memorialize the Holocaust for the sake of those that were murdered, those that survived, and for our own sake, so that we may stop genocide from happening anywhere in the world. Morgan Library will honor this occasion with a book display featuring books on the topic.

In conjuction with , Morgan Library will exhibit books on the Holocaust. The display is located on the first floor, across from the Loan and Reserve desk.

Expand your mind. Explore new topics. Extend a conversation.

> > > > > Holocaust Awareness Week Book Display

Holocaust Awareness Week Book Display | Libraries | Colorado State University

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